I helped with organising the Kazam national hui – just as a gopher boy to the real organisers at Rainbow Youth. It was awesome feeling so helpful.


Panel 1:

Sam: (A person wearing a purple, collared shirt, and a grey vest, who is facing the viewer, but looking down at a piece of paper. Eyebrows are raised, mouth is open, and there are dark circles under Sam’s eyes. There are two exclamation marks next to Sam’s head. One of Sam’s arms is bent up at the elbow, hand holding a long piece of paper, which is snaking along the bottom of the panel. At the top of the piece of paper are the words: “To do list:” and on the other side of the paper are the numbers: 42, 43, 44, and 45, beside each of which is a black squiggle, indicating writing. The rest of the paper is also covered in these black squiggles.) This weekend is KAZAM! The national Queer Youth hui


Panel 2:

(There is a caption to one side, which reads:) Young Queer people, from ALL over the country are coming up to Auckland for the weekend.

(To the other side, is a map of Aotearoa {New Zealand} with a number of planes, cars and a ferry, with lines behind each, indicating that they are all travelling towards Auckland. There are three arrows pointing towards a dot that marks Auckland on the map.)


Panel 3:

(There is a caption at the top of the panel, which reads:) There’s soooooo much to organise!!

(The rest of the panel is divided into six vertical slices.)

(In slice one, Sam is wearing a green, collared shirt, and is facing the viewer, but looking down at a laptop. Eyebrows are raised, mouth is open and there are dark circles under Sam’s eyes. Sam’s hands are on the laptop’s keyboard, and there are words alongside, which read:) Tappa tappa tap!!

(In slice two, Sam’s hand is spraying orange paint out of a can of spray-paint.)

(In slice three, Sam is wearing a long-sleeved, grey shirt and brown trousers. Sam is carrying three cardboard boxes, each stacked on top of one another.)

(In slice four is an older-style telephone. There are words above it, which read:) Ring!! Riiing Ri

(In slice five are four speech bubbles. Speech bubble one reads: “Yep”. Speech bubble two reads: “Ok”. Speech bubble three reads: “Can do”. Speech bubble four reads: “Umm.”)

(Slice six is a vertical slice of the middle of Sam’s head and shoulders. Sam is wearing a purple, collared shirt and a blue vest and is facing the viewer, but looking down. Eyelids are lowered halfway, there are dark circles under Sam’s eyes, and mouth is closed, with slightly downturned edges. Sam’s speech bubble reads: “Sigh.”)


Panel 4:

(There is a caption at the top of the panel, which reads:) But it’s all totally worth it.

Sam: (A person wearing a sky blue, collared shirt and a darker purple vest, who is facing the viewer, but looking down and to the side. Eyebrows are raised and mouth is open, with upturned edges. One arm is raised at the shoulder, and bent up at the elbow, holding a corded telephone up to Sam’s ear.) Just calling to let you know your flight’s booked and you’re all set to come to the hui.

Telephone: REALLY?! OMG!! That’s so AWESOME!!