I’ve been feeling super sad lately.


Panel 1:

Sam: (Sam’s hand, with its palm horizontal, and fingers and thumb bent up, forming a cup, which rain is falling into.) *Sigh* Not again


Panel 2:

Sam: (A person wearing a grey collared shirt, with rolled up sleeves, a grey vest, and grey trousers, who is facing the viewer, but looking up at a grey, raining cloud directly above head. Eyebrows are raised, and mouth is closed, with slightly downturned edges. One arm is moved forward slightly at the shoulder, bent up at the elbow, and the hand is still cupped. The other arm is by Sam’s side.)


Panel 3:

Sam: (The silhouette of a person, who is side on to the viewer and looking at the ground. Head and shoulders are lowered, arms are bent back at the elbows, hands look to be in pockets. The cloud above Sam’s head is raining harder, and there is a stream of water flowing away from Sam.


Panel 4:

Sam: (Now wearing a grey coat, the raining cloud obscures Sam’s head, and there’s waist level water surrounding Sam.)


Panel 5:

(The water is now directly below the cloud)


Panel 6:

(Except for a tiny sliver of cloud, there is only water)