All this week is Trans Week of Awareness – and I really struggle with weeks/days like this where we put the burden for change on trans people. Awareness without solidarity, or safety or support just puts more trans people in danger, and I think that sucks. So that’s why I’ve made this silly comic for TWOA, and I’m really hoping that cis allies can do a little bit to help make this world a bit safer, easier, and funner for trans people to be a part of.

It’s been a weird time for trans people over the last decade or so (which is pretty much all I can speak to) – watching awareness about us explode, and alongside that the hatred grow and legislation continue to be mounted against us, and the increase in groups and systems using us a political tools… as well as (in some spaces) growing acceptance, and more of us feeling free to explore our gender, and some really incredible legislative change. Dang. The world is a lot sometimes.

To all the trans people who are making others aware about us, thank you – for your generosity on weeks like this – and I hope you’re met with applause and hugs (if you like them) and all the treats. For the trans people who can’t, won’t or don’t want to participate in these things, I’m thinking of you too, and I hope you get quiet treats and safety and goodness.

P.S. My little gif in the bottom left panel are just some of the things off the top of my head, there are plenty more.