I’ve stopped using this as a blog, but you can read more about my thoughts and upcoming events over at my patreon site – so y’all should check it out. I do a mix of paid and unpaid posts too, so don’t feel bad if you don’t have the moneys to support the comic – you won’t miss out on any of the really important information.
In 2010 I started a comic called Rooster Tails; it’s an autobio webcomic about my life, as a queer transguy, and the things I get up to living in Auckland (New Zealand) with my genderqueer partner and our cat.

I started drawing these comics because when I looked for stories about queer trans guys, I couldn’t find any, and that was sad. Well – y’know – there was Boys Don’t Cry, but sheesh, that’s not really a great movie to watch when you’re looking for something that celebrates trans-ness. So I started drawing my own comics.

Part of my reason for setting up this patreon is to have more time/money that I can devote to making more of these comics. So, supporting this patreon will help make sure both Rooster Tails and Family Portraits continue!

Are you new to Patreon and don’t really understand what is going on right now?
check out this video with more info about it all: http://youtu.be/wH-IDF809fQ

Plus – if you’re having trouble with the patreon site and don’t know how to sign up – checkout this little PDF I created.