Sorry it’s laaaaate!!!

If anyone can name all the movies in that last panel you get 100 extra cool points.

Transcript – 

Panel 1:

Sam: (A person wearing a blue, collared shirt and a purple vest, who is looking directly at the viewer, with raised eyebrows and an open mouth.) Families are funny things.


Panel 2:

Sam: (A person who is looking directly at the viewer, with one eyebrow raised and the other lowered, mouth is open, with slightly downturned edges.) I often wonder if anyone else has experienced that moment where they realised that their family was really weird.


Panel 3:

(This panel is entirely in black and white. Each of the 5 Sams drawn have an emotion written next to them, with arrows to clarify which Sam is which. The emotion will be written with each of their names.)

Sam: When I was growing up I thought that everyone had seen The Princess Bride 300 times.

Romantic Sam: (A ponytailed person wearing a white t-shirt, who is facing the viewer, but with closed eyes. Eyebrows are raised and pushed together, mouth is open with upturned edges and there are three love heart shapes above Romantic Sam’s head.) As you wish.

Astonished Sam: (A floppy haired person wearing a white singlet, who is standing next to Romantic Sam, facing the viewer, but looking at a point between Romantic Sam and the viewer. Eyebrows are raised, eyes wide, and mouth open, with very slightly downturned edges.) Inconceivable!

Angry Sam: (A spikey haired person wearing a white t-shirt, who is standing next to Astonished Sam, looking directly at the viewer. One eyebrow is lowered, the other arched and mouth is open, with downturned edges.) Shut up man, I’m a scientist!

Vengeful Sam: (A ruffle haired person wearing a white, collared shirt, who is standing next to and slightly behind Angry Sam, facing the viewer, but looking to the side, away from Angry Sam. Eyebrows are lowered and pushed together, mouth is open.) You killed my father!

Scared Sam: (A ruffle haired person wearing a white, collared shirt, and a black vest, who is standing next to and ahead of Vengeful Sam, looking directly at the viewer. Eyebrows are pushed together and upwards slightly, mouth is open, with downturned edges, and teeth showing.) It’s the Staypuff marshmallow man!!

Sam: I thought that everyone knew the phrase “Don’t cross the streams!”


Panel 4:

Sam: (A person who is looking directly at the viewer, with raised eyebrows and an open mouth, which has slightly downturned edges. One arm is raised at the shoulder, hand open, palm facing to the side.) I still get the shivers when people tell me that they haven’t seen Star Wars*

Film-Snob Sam: (A smaller Sam in the corner, who is looking directly at the viewer, with raised eyebrows and an open mouth. One arm is raised at the shoulder, bent up at the elbow, index finger pointing up and the rest of the hand closed.) *the original three (Ep. 4, 5 & 6) of course!


Panel 5:

Sam: (A person who is facing the viewer, but looking down and to the side, with raised eyebrows and an open mouth.) My culture is immersed in films.


Panel 6:

(There is a caption in one of the top corners of this panel. It reads:) It’s how I make sense of the world.**

(Below the panel, there is writing, which reads:) **for better or worse…

Leg: (A person who is only visible from the lower thigh down, of one leg. The leg is horizontal, and a hand is holding the top of the pantyhose which is covering it.)

Benjamin Braddock: (A person wearing a dark suit, who is facing the viewer and has a closed mouth.) You’re trying to seduce me.

Maude: (A person with grey hair tied back in a bun, wearing a brown coat and a beige scarf, who is facing the viewer, but looking at Harold. Eyebrows are raised and mouth is open, with upturned edges.) Aaaah life!

Harold: (A person with dark hair, wearing a brown undershirt and a brown coat with an off-white lining, who is facing the viewer, but looking at Maude. Eyebrows are neutral and mouth closed, with slightly upturned edges.)

Celie Johnson: (A person with dark, curly hair, wearing a red vest and a gold necklace, who is facing the viewer, but with eyes closed. Eyebrows are raised slightly, and mouth is closed, with slightly upturned edges. There is a red love heart above Celie Johnson and Shug Avery.)

Shug Avery: (A dark haired person wearing an orange top, who is facing Celie Johnson, with eyes closed. Eyebrows are raised and pushed together slightly, and lips are puckered towards Celie Johnson’s cheek.) I think you’re beautiful.

Jim Stark: (A person wearing a white, collared shirt and a black tie, who is facing the viewer, but looking to the side. Eyebrows are lowered and pushed together, mouth is open, with teeth showing.) You’re tearing me apart!!!

Don Lockwood: (A person wearing a dark hat, jacket and trousers, who is facing the viewer, but whose eyes are obscured by the hat. Mouth is open, with very upturned edges and Gene’s feet are at the bottom of a lamppost. Both arms are raised at the shoulder, one hand is around the lamppost, and in the other is a folded down, black umbrella.) I’m haaappy again! (There are musical symbols around the words, which indicate that they are being sung.)

John Bender: (A person with floppy brown hair, wearing a red checked, collared shirt and a blue coat, who is facing the viewer, but looking slightly to the side. One eyebrow is lowered, the other is raised slightly and mouth is closed, with very slightly downturned edges.) Did I stutter?

Falcor: (A blue dragon, who is looking directly at the viewer from the sky, with raised eyebrows and an open mouth.) I’m a luck dragon!

Sarah: (A faceless person, wearing a blue dress, who is facing the viewer from the sky, with one arm sticking straight up, hand open.) You have no power over me! No power over me! No power over me! No power over me! No power over me! No power over me! No…

Jareth: (A shaggy haired person wearing a black, collared coat, who is facing the viewer, but looking to the side. Eyebrows are lowered and mouth is closed, with downturned edges.)