Panel 1:

Sam: (A naked person who is facing the viewer, but looking at Joe, and is lying in bed. Eyebrows are pushed together slightly, and mouth is open, with upturned edges.) Heeeey…can you make me breakfast in bed?

Joe: (A person wearing a blue, collared pyjama shirt, who is facing the viewer, but looking down at a book, and sitting up in bed. Eyebrows are raised, mouth is open, and hands are holding an open book.) What do ya want?


Panel 2:

Sam: (A person who is facing the viewer, but looking at Joe, and sitting up in bed. Eyebrows are raised, and mouth is open, with upturned edges. There are two parallel lines by one of Sam’s shoulders, indicating movement. The other hand is pointing up.) TOAST! with marmalade! and cheese!

Joe: (A person who is facing the viewer, but looking at Sam, and sitting up in bed. One eyebrow is raised, the other lowered, and mouth is open, with slightly downturned edges.) Ew.


Panel 3: 

Joe: (A hand is passing Sam a plate of marmalade toast with cheese on top.) Here it is!

Sam: (A person who is facing the viewer, but looking at the toast. Eyebrows are raised, and mouth is open, with slightly downturned edges. Hand is holding the plate, and there are two exclamation points by Sam’s head.) Eek! I was just tricking! I meant one with marmalade and one with cheese.


Panel 4:

(There is a caption at the top of the panel, which reads:) 30 minutes later…

Sam: (A person wearing a light blue, collared shirt, a dark grey vest, and brown trousers, who is facing the viewer, but looking down. Eyebrows are lowered and pushed together slightly. Mouth is open, with slightly downturned edges, and arms are holding Sam’s protruding tummy.) Burrrrrrp. My tummy feels funny.

Joe: (A person wearing a red undershirt, a blue blazer, and black trousers, who is facing the viewer, but looking at Sam. Eyebrows are raised and pushed together slightly. Mouth is open, with slightly downturned edges. One hand is on Sam’s upper back, the other is gesturing at Sam’s tummy.) Well you didn’t have to eat it…