I’ve been realising that aside from being busy I’m just struggling a bit with how to do this comic – I am not sure what to share about my life and whether anyone really needs to hear the reckons of a middle-aged white man right now. Every time I go to make a comic about something I’ve been thinking about I talk myself out of it.

Sometimes it’s because, after 13 years, I’m not sure I have much to share about my life (and I feel precious about the things I want to keep out of a searchable comic blog that anyone can read).

Sometimes I worry that I am just a bit out of touch with the world of queer and trans stuff and I second guess whether my opinions are worth sharing anymore.

Lately I am finding it really tricky to work out what to share, in case some anti-trans person comes across the blog and wants to have a go at it. It’s a really scary time to be out and trans – ant-trans sentiment seems to be on the rise and I’m just not sure I have the resilience to deal with it anymore. It feels like such a stark change from when I first started this blog 13 (!) years ago, when I was so full of excitement and wonder about gender stuff, and it felt exciting and important (and maybe even encouraged) to talk about.

Anyway – I’m making a concerted effort to keep going here, when I can.